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Keynote Speakers and Facilitators


Anette Stanwick

Roots of Change

As the sister of a homicide victim, Annette Stanwick is an unlikely person to address Restorative Justice Conference attendees in a keynote address. Her radical insights, Victim Impact Statement and ultimate forgiveness in a US courtroom created ROOTS OF CHANGE that transformed her from angry, bitter, and resentful to
that as an advocate of Restorative Justice. Her life and professional abilities in restorative justice reach beyond corrections work
where she and her husband have interacted on very deep levels with more than 200 Lifers in federal institutions in Canada and the US. She also applies restorative justice principles in addiction recovery, work in Indigenous communities, grief recovery, mental health issues, suicide awareness & prevention, local and international schools & universities along with interactions with the homeless.
Her passion to Inspire, Encourage & Uplift others fuels her daring ability to interact with 
those that society labels, fears, shames, ignores and isolates.
As a keynote speaker, she will open your eyes to the humanity and transformational change possible when deep courageous conversations are allowed or facilitated.

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